Before and After

ALL-CERAMIC VENEERS utilized to transform this previously challenging dental condition to a most pleasing final result

*Case A Narrative* - *All-Ceramic - Porcelain-Veneers *
Aesthetic make-over, utilizing minimal preparation All Ceramic Veneers.

*Case B Narrative * *LUMINEERS* - Patient with short, gray teeth, and
multiple spaces. utilized NO PREPARATION Veneers - *LUMINEERS*

*Case C Narrative* - *Aesthetic Make-over* Utilizing combination of
All-Ceramic Veneers and Crowns

*Case D Narrative* - *Aesthetic Make-over* utilizing combination of
All-Ceramic Tooth-supported and Implant crowns

*Case E Narrative* *Missing UPPER Front Tooth* - Teeth replacement
utilizing All-Ceramic Implant-supported Fixed Bridge
*Aesthetic Resin Mock-Up*

*Four Implants in the upper jaw and four in the lower jaw*